Taxi to Fortaleza - Another Day in Paradise.
It was a very hot day last week 20/03/2020 in Caucaia and so I decided to take a taxi to Fortaleza, at least the queues to pay bills should not take hours.. The taxi was a good one, nice air conditioning... and sound system.......and so settling down for the journey, my thoughts once again returned to the health crisis engulfing the world.....and certainly apprehension for Brazil, for friends, neighbors and the vulnerable ....But just as we are driving along The taxi driver reaches for another music disc to put in the player. Deep in thought, I am not paying much attention...but then begins a familiar sound I have not heard in years, its one of Phil Collins - As I listen ....its as though I had never listened to the words before, and somehow I was transfixed by what was sung. I could see a scene being played out, a scene which must have been played out a million times before in Brazil...It was as though God showed me In all this world crisis.....What He sees everyday.......The poor and forgotten, the street kids, the street dwellers and the marginalized. There in that taxi...I was shocked. When we arrived at Fortaleza.....What was I going to do about what I saw. The picture - Another Day in Paradise - (I made a few changes to the words of the song).