Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Prayer and Intercession for Germany - Jesus Christ is Lord!

 Prayer and Intercession for Germany
© Peter N Millward

Prayer and Intercession for Germany - Jesus Christ is Lord!

A picture for Germany and a call to prayer - The picture shows the nation of Germany pictured as a giant map that intercessors are holding up in fervent prayer and shaking....praying according to God's will shall bring answers - "During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission."  Hebrews 5:7

The picture is in 3 parts - 
  • The Christians on the earth below united in  praying and Interceding for Germany.  
  • Areas for Prayer - Seven Mountains of Influence in the World  - Media, Family, Education, Government, Religion, Business, Arts and Entertainment.
  • The heavenly places where Spiritual Warfare is waged - The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4   "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  Ephesians 6:12
Prayer moves the Hand that moves the world and the spiritual warfare generated through faithful people surrounding Germany in prayer will shake the heavenlies and the principalities and powers of darkness.  There is no neutral ground today - True Christians must take up spiritual arms and take their place in the line and wield the authority they have in Jesus Name, waging spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness ranged against God's will *- it will bring a shaking in the heavenlies and on the earth below in Germany. Pulling down strongholds!


Prayer Moves the Hand That Moves the World
by John A. Wallace

There is an eye that never sleeps
Beneath the wing of the night;
There is an ear that never shuts
When sink the beams of light.

There is an arm that never tires
When human strength gives way;
There is a love that never fails
When earthly loves decay.

That eye is fixed on seraph throngs;
That arm upholds the sky;
That ear is filled with angel songs;
That love is throned on high.

But there's a power which man can wield,
When mortal aid is vain,
That eye, that arm, that love to reach,
That listening ear to gain.

That power is prayer, which soars on high,
Through Jesus, to the throne,
And moves the hand which moves the world,
To bring salvation down.

Sunday, 22 September 2019


 UK National Day of Prayer
© Peter N Millward) 
 Poster and Cards Available
Posters and Cards available at the link


The Lord said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. Jeremiah 18:6 .......then how much more the Lord can say this to every other nation on the face of the earth...including the UK.
Are we not clay taken up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay" (Ps. 40:1-2 and for centuries had foundations centred on the Word of God and Christ.
The political turmoil which has engulfed the UK Parliament is a symptom of a much deeper problem - what we really need as a nation is to return to the Lord Himself.....and we would find the answers.
And in case anyone doesnt know or remember what a nation looks like centred on the Word of God.........
King George VI called for a National Day of Prayer in May 1940, when British troops were trapped at Dunkirk, about to be annihilated. People queued to get into Westminster Abbey so they could fall to their knees and pray. the population in millions went to local churches and chapels which were so full that congregations had to stand in churchyards or pour out onto the street. And the King made a broadcast to the nation, urging people to repent and turn to the Lord. A storm arose over Dunkirk which grounded the Luftwaffe, and the English Channel became a sea of tranquility which allowed hundreds of boats, large and small to rescue 336,000 soldiers. And so the miracle was sent by God, and the multitudes gave thanks and praise for their deliverance.

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